
Heleobia stagnorum, as pictured by Job Baster.
Basteria is the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Netherlands Malacological Society. It is published twice a year (normally nrs 1-3 in July-August and nrs 4-6 in December). In Basteria, original articles are published about malacological subjects like taxonomics, systematics, fauna surveys, (palaeo)ecology, (palaeo)biogeography, mollusc behavior, anatomy, book reviews, etc. Articles are reviewed by an editorial board of prominent malacologists and can be offered by members as well as non-members. Basteria is mainly published in English.
Basteria is named after a famous Dutch scientist from the 18th century, Mr. Job Baster.
Editorial staff
Main editors
- Prof.dr. R.A. (Ruud) Bank (editor-in-chief)
- G.C. (Gijs) Kronenberg (general editor)
- J.J. (Jan Johan) ter Poorten (layout editor)
Subject editors
- J. (Jonathan) Ablett (terrestrial molluscs and Cephalopoda)
- Dr. F.P.L. (Frank) Collas (freshwater molluscs)
- M.S.S. (Marc) Lavaleye (marine molluscs)
- B. (Barna) Páll-Gergely (terrestrial molluscs)
- Prof.dr. G. (Gerard) van der Velde (freshwater molluscs)
Associate editors
- Prof.dr. E. (Edi) Gittenberger (continental molluscs)
- Prof.dr. M. (Menno) Schilthuizen (terrestrial molluscs/evolutionary biology)
- Prof.dr. G.J. (Geerat) Vermeij (marine molluscs)
- Dr. F.P. (Frank) Wesselingh (fossil molluscs)
Manuscripts can be sent to the editorial address.
Guidelines for authors
More information about the requirements of manuscripts for Basteria can be found here.
The ISSN-number of Basteria is 0005-6219.
Information on prices and the way of payment and a subscription form are available here. For questions please contact the NMV membership administration.
Single issues
A regular issue is a combination of nrs 1-3 or of nrs 4-6.
The prices per issue (excluding postage) are:
- Issues of the last four years: €24,00
- Issues 2010-2016: €7,50
- Issues before 2010: €5,00
- Basteria Festschrift Edi Gittenberger (2008): €5,00
Postage of one issue: Netherlands € 4,50 / Belgium and Germany € 9,30. Postage of more than one issue and to other countries: on demand.
For single issues send a mail to the secretary.
Digital version
All articles of the volumes 1934-2012 (except 2008) are available on Downloading a PDF is free of charge.
Basteria is a printed journal. Digital versions of more recent volumes are not available and subscription to a digital version is not possible.
New taxa in Basteria
At the 80th anniversary of Basteria, a list of new taxa described in Basteria was published. This list has since been updated on a regular basis.
Supplementary information
Here you can find some suplementary information to Basteria.
An index (in PDF) on Basteria 1-84 can be found here.
A complete overview of all new taxa introduced in the Basteria 1-84 can be found here.
Papers from Basteria (2016 and before) can be downloaded from the site
Click on the contents picture to see the contents of some of the latest issues.
Basteria 88 (2) (December 20, 2024)
Basteria 88 (1) (July 25, 2024)
Basteria 87 (2) (November 25, 2023)
Basteria 87 (1) (March 20, 2023)
Basteria 86 (2) (December 1, 2022)
Basteria 86 (1) (July 11, 2022)
Basteria 85 (2) (December 6, 2021)
Basteria 85 (1) (May 7, 2021)
Basteria 84 (4-6)
Basteria 84 (1-3)
Basteria 83 (4-6)
Basteria 83 (1-3)
Basteria 82 (4-6)
Basteria 82 (1-3)
Basteria 81 (4-6)
Basteria 81 (1-3)
Basteria 80 (4-6)
Basteria 80 (1-3)
Basteria 79 (4-6)
Basteria 79 (1-3)
Basteria 78 (4-6)
Basteria 78 (1-3)
Basteria 77 (4-6)
Basteria 77 (1-3)