Eponyms of persons connected to the Netherlands Malacological Society

Kronenberg G.C., 2024. Eponyms of persons connected to the Netherlands Malacological Society, 6th edition, May 26, 2024: 1-52. Netherlands Malacological Society.

A list of persons with strong ties (such as membership or a professional or familial relationship) to the Netherlands Malacological Society, is presented in this third edition of this work. Earlier versions were published by the late J.G.J Kuiper at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Netherlands Malacological Society (NMV) and a second version was published by G.G. Kronenberg on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the NMV. Each taxon is listed in its original combination, subdivided into two tables, viz Mollusca and non-Mollusca. A list of references to the original publication in which the name appeared for the first time is also provided.

This 6th edition was published May 26, 2024.